Saturday, December 4, 2010

Want to get certified in American Sign Language?

Ocean County College has a certification program with an extraordinary leader, Kathy Basilotto. Take a minute to peruse the classes offer or email Kathy for more information.

Better yet, enjoy one of the Rock and Roll shows performed at OCC. Here's what Kathy Basilotto says about it "American Sign Language Rock and Roll Show Fundraisers – I direct three shows per year with ITP students and professors.  These exceptional shows are mesmerizing for all who attend.  Songs performed in the show are played by a DJ; however, students perform these songs using ASL.  The concerts benefit several charities, our annual Deaf Awareness Day at OCC, and the annual senior trip to Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C."   Being a past graduate, this was one of my favorite parts of the program. It was an excellent learning experience signing on stage and an opportunity to interact with the deaf community and bond with other signers.

Learning a second language can certainly be one of the most profound accomplishments to experience!

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